Concrete5 | i4-Business | Enterprise EMEA B2B

I was approached with a task to help sort out a 5 year old Concrete5 CMS website belonging to i-4business, the leading EMEA B2B Database provider for technology vendors. The problem was that since it was such an outdated version of Concrete5 which they were reluctant to update, it was difficult for them to source a skilled programmer to develop the custom modifications needed within their outdated MVC framework.

The brief involved a set of very complicated tasks which required the use of Salesforce API's in order to capture lead data and other information from their web forms which would then be stored into their Salesforce account for the purpose of helping them make every moment with customers much more cost-efficient.

With my skilled background in full scale Model/View/Controller (MVC) frameworks, I was able to understand the architecture of their website which resulted in myself being appointed as lead developer for the completion of the entire project tasks they had briefed. The work was completed before the given deadline and on-budget; thus leaving a lasting impression with them to the point where they returned time-and-time again.