Concrete5 | Concrete5 Web Development & Website Design for Estate Agencies

The estate agency, Le Rossignol Estates, came to me with a requirement involving a full-scale Concrete5 CMS website design & development which would replace their old and outdated Concrete5 website, while maintaining all of their content, custom features and more importantly, the information gathered from leads and customers over the years.

This was a very challenging project, mainly due to the fact their old Concrete5 installation was so outdated that making the shift over to the latest release of the Concrete5 CMS meant everything had to be developed from a blank canvas, with database imports requiring huge changes to fit accordingly with the new version of the database, which was designed using a completely different architecture.

As a skilled full-stack website developer who loves a challenge, no matter how big it is, I was determined to take this project on and following the discussion of my plan and timescales, I was given the green light to proceed as soon as possible. Needless to say, the project was setup on a development environment I created and the work was started the next morning which as a result allowed me to deliver the finished product on-time and on-budget.

Although the project was finished on-budget, the client was so impressed to the point where I was appointed to further developments on the same week of the delivery date, which was followed by a great working relationship between us.